Summertime Strawberry Spinach Smoothies & ‘Sicles

Posted by Nancy in Blog, Breakfast, Fruit, picky eaters, Recipes, Snacks on 11 July 2011 | 6 Comments

I’m always trying to figure out ways to sneak additional nutrition into my little ones’ diets. At ages two and three, they are very particular about what they’ll eat. The blended identity of a smoothie is a perfect way to appease a picky eater. If the flavor is desirable and the color appealing, you’ve got a winner. I know your thinking that smoothies are nothing new; everyone under the sun makes them. Well, yes and no. I want you to think about smoothies differently than the usual suspects of milk, banana, orange juice, etc. There is an opportunity to get much more sophisticated and sneaky. Popsicles are just a frozen extension to a smoothie...

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